Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Friend

Last evening I went out with my hair stylist and her husband, another couple which the wife was a new client of my stylist, two other couples, that were celebrating the birthday of one of the young ladies. I was recently celebrated for my birthday at Maharani Cafe (a place of my choice) and it too was a very enjoyable evening with my friend Nae and her family. So of course last night since we went "clubbing" Nae chimed, "Deborah we are still celebrating your birthday too, this is the dancing part".

Out of the group, Sherile (the new client of my stylist) and her husband as well as Nae's husband are heavily into the music scene both play instruments.  So as it goes one of them is playing next Friday in the area.  I have heard not heard either of them play yet so I am excited to attend this first event.

Friends are so important in our lives, they are the elasticity, that hold us together and stretches us out; and pulls us back. Whatever we are involved in, a friend is someone that though not directly involved can give us that needed objective opinion.  We need that sometimes when in the midst of a situation, our vision becomes impaired.  And as well, we mustn't underestimate the power, of one friend; you won't have many.  A friend is there for you, and we know who they are...

Deborah "Nanilima" Howell
Its Hawaiian

Nerium International