Friday, July 15, 2016

I am back...

With a new job.  I selling electricity, that's right selling 6 month, lower electrical rates by KWH packages.  It's telesales. Which is something I have never done and I must learn quickly.  I may only have 3 weeks to make a sale and it has been two weeks already and I have yet to make a sale.  Oh my. I have been calling Chicago-area businesses and out the outlying areas. It has been fierce.  I am a winner. I don't quit or give up, so I am now looking for tips of how to become a better telephone sales person.

I know also I am going to have to learn more about electricity markets.  I know the Chicago market has a cap on early termination rates of $ 50.00.  I learned today 5,000 and under KWH usage still carries ETF of $ 50.00.

I downloaded some tips and information about becoming a successful telesales person. I am also abstaining from Word With Friends tonight and other social media tonight  because this is more important and is my job. 

By the way three people quit already, one didn't feel the leads were doable, another could not take the constant rejection and the last one complained of the base pay being too insignificant and complained also of the leads.  So I am the remaining one from that group.  A new group of four started last week and one of them made a sale on her first day out of training.  Everyone gathered around, this was the first sale made!!  

Our manager and assistant manager were so happy! As well the rest of us.  One manager said, "Oh you guys see, it can be done!! So my personal pressure is on!  I have got to write through it. Document, put it in black and white, study, learn, I must succeed!! I have no choice now.

You guys out there help me, pray for me!


Friday, May 23, 2014

I'm Back

Has It Been That Long...

Oh my procrastination, no, busy, a little, working too much, having relocated again, all valid but; slowly I am coming back!  I want to write and read but I guess as with anything else that is important to you to do; you have to fight for it!

Where do I start.  I moved from Honolulu to Houston.  I am still getting organized.  Getting things together.  For one, I love my place in Houston, it is beautiful.  Pictures to follow soon.  The weather here in Houston has been fabulous, I hear it is just unbelievable and I'm so grateful for that.  Of course I miss Hawaii, the 85 degree everyday weather and I really miss my friends Ej., Bret, Rena, and Telly as well all my GO Airlines folks, which most of them have left Hawaii too.

My family is fine and still growing, bundles of joy are abound. I am looking for a new home based business. Currently  I am doing marketing research with a local company here in Houston. So for now I am back and will be putting the fingers to keyboard soon!!

Deborah Howell

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Vacation Where? Vacation What?

Oh thoughts of vacation are swirling in my head.  I am trying to narrow things down. I am thinking about going to Vegas, slots and the Tropicana. I am thinking about a cruise. I am thinking about Jamaica.  I don't know where to start.  I can't get determined on anything, and it is getting late, in the year I mean.

Looking over this year, it has really been a lot of ups and downs for me.  Many things changed, some doors closed, as new ones opened.  I've had plenty of time to reflect on the past and present.  I am excited about the future and what it will  bring. But again as vacation goes, I continue to draw a blank.

Does this mean something?  Well I have talked to friends, but it only gets more confusing, some don't cruise, some want to cruise, no one knows where. They all are talking next year, so that makes me want to just take a quick trip to Vegas now and think about next year's vacation next year.

Actually, I want to see my daughters and their families too, although that is not really a vacation, well I mean close, my younger daughter when I visited her in Texas, it actually was a vacation, she took care of everything, she was entertaining, she took me everywhere, we attended shows, movies, clubs, restaurants, even the casino.  My oldest daughter is soon moving from Illinois to Texas so perhaps I can wait to see them both in a Texas visit.

As much travel as I plan on doing in the future; I need to work at an airport with benefits.  I applied too, you all wish me luck!!

Have you gone on vacation yet?  Where did you go?

Deborah Howell
Better Web Builder

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The List

Please review the list, answer the questions, and let the fun begin!!  (Thanks to cherishing hopes and....)

The List

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.

I am Black. I have two daughters, that are probably African Americans.  I am retired.  I have hypertension. I love casinos. I love to travel.  I love relationships. I love my body.  I love all music. I live in Honolulu. I vote.  I played horse shoes with my father. I pay taxes. I have a great brother-in-law. I eat poke. I miss my friends in Chicago. I have a green thumb when it come to house plants. I am far-sighted.  I prefer to tell the truth. My middle name is Ann.

2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

I have a fear of dogs, because of signs posted about, "Beware of Dog", I didn't even have to see the dog, just the thought made me afraid.  Fear of any empty body of water, whether a tub, sink, vat, whatever, something has to be in it, a duckie, towel, soap etc.  I don't know the origin of this fear, it has been around forever.  Fear of driving on skyways, just coming upon them looking at the height off the ground is scary for me.  This fear started after, I lost my dad.

3. Describe your relationship with your parents.

This one is a little complicated because I have lost both my parents.  My mom and my relationship with her was one of respect.  I came to believe that regardless to what she said in addition to consistent hovering over us, and the badgering, the countless discussions of one's self worth all just meant how much she loved us and what she wanted for us was the best.  Basically, we grew up not to settle for any less.  I love and dearly miss my mom's calling me at 5:30a.m. just to talk.  I'd always say, "Mom you're waking me up", to which she would respond, Well, I figured I could get you now!! My relationship with my dad did not really develop until after he and my mom divorced.  He was quiet through out the marriage of 25 years.  What I thought about him for 25 years was not true.  I am so glad I got to know my dad at all.  He was kind, funny, hard working, adopted and raised by 2 aunts in Pittsburgh.  I loved that man, and miss him dearly.

4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.

To be more understanding of my parents
Spend more time with my grandmother
Spend more time with my baby sister
Stay more focused in school
Spend more time in the kitchen cooking with my mom
Go fishing with my dad
Start a hobby
Be nicer to myself
Do not worry so much about what others think
Don't use peroxide in your hair

5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?

To travel to Chicago, Vegas, Houston.
To have a good pizza.
To lose 10 pounds
To be rich in love and money
To be healthy

6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?

Losing family members, is the hardest thing I have ever experienced.

7. What is your dream job, and why?

I think my dream job was at the University of Illinois at Chicago, in the French Department.  My boss had the corner office on the 14th floor.  My girlfriend and I would take turns sitting in his chair looking out over the city.

8. What are 5 passions you have?

Oceans and Beaches
The Beauty of Nature
The Innocence of Babies
Art, Movies, and Reading

9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.

Mom and Dad what they taught me of love, grace, strength, and class.  My sister Lorrine influenced me with her grace in the face of the known and unknown, steadfast faith, and love of God forever. Martin Luther King in his speeches and beliefs of the good in all mankind.  Malcolm X for his fire and quest of truth, for seeing the truth and speaking the truth.  Micheal Jackson in his artistry and dance.  John F. Kennedy a great president, one that bought emotions to the White House.  My daughters Corrine and Nancy, one for the love  of her family, and the other for love of her self. Michael Jordan that winning spirit and determination.

10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people misundertand most about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.

I am going to answer a question each day.  See my answers and begin yours!!

Thanks for your participation.

Can I know you better?

Nerium International

Deborah "Nanilima" Howell
Its Hawaiian

Life Busy

Whew, so sorry. Okay, I have recently stayed with a friend for two weeks, while his partner was out of town. I had a spectacular time. Kind of like a vacation actually, he was a perfect host. He and his partner recently purchased a property so the contractors, parts and pieces, shopping, ok's etc. was constant, we went out to eat alot. I tried alot of new places, Pho Bristo in Waipahu, Lucky Belly in China Town, and some fabulous places in Pearl City, and of course Macy's.

 On my part, I started back with the temporary agency and received a great assignment to work with cruise lines, two. The training was great and the management team was the best, and the guests unbelievably kind, gracious and endearing. I was so taken aback by all of this, that I am in the process of getting my passport current and I am going on a cruise. 

 NeriumAD is still the best anti-aging skin care treatment on earth. So if you are looking for healthy, beautiful, youthful looking skin; please come to my website at 

 Look at the video, see the before and after pictures, then you decide. 

 Well, I attended a training session yesterday, with the cruise ship management team and we are working tomorrow ... 

 I miss you guys!!

Deborah "Nanilima" Howell

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hello Everyone,

I know you can't see me, because I am under this tree.  I am looking up thinking this is nature's shade.  How beautiful is this?  Ever so lightly the yellow petals from the delicate flowers falling to the ground below.  I looked across the way there was another of these trees but, on that tree the flowers were pink.  I don't know what kind of trees these are.  Now, I'd like to know.  Perhaps one of you out there knows.  If you do please tell me.  

I can't tell you how long I sat looking up at this tree, but the longer I sat the more relaxed and unwound I got.  This tree it somehow gave me perspective, order and a realization of the quaint delicacies we hold and or share in balance of our lives.  

What I got out of this experience; live kindly.  Be kind to people, do good, be right, and be humble.  Be on time, leave in time to be on time.  Live in order.  First things first, you know what they are.  Do what you know has to be done, and don't delay.  Live love.  Show love, don't be afraid, or too proud, receive love, let love come into your heart.

Share life, give of yourself, your talent, your opinion, your help.  Understand life.  Be understanding of others you may not know their plight or lot in life nor why they do what they do, and really you don't have to know. Respect life and live respectfully, these two things will see you through most ups and downs in life.

Well, I have to go to the library in search of the name of this tree.  Wish me luck, and until we talk again, I will leave this thought with you.  

When was the last time you looked up under a tree?

Deborah "Nanilima" Howell
Its Hawaiian

Thursday, September 6, 2012

It's Unbelievable

Hello Guys,  keeping it going and moving right along.  It sometimes is not easy, I got a situation going on with a friend, I can't talk about yet, but when I can, it's unbelievable.

Don't forget your NeriumAD for beautiful, youthful looking skin, now that fall is approaching. so is dry skin.  NeriumAD can fix skincare issues.  Watch my videos at:  Nerium International

I am still talking about looking good, feeling good, and knowing you're all good! I'm on an appointment roll. This week it is the periodontist, last week it was the dentist, and Friday it is another mystery shop.  This makes two.  I told you, I would tell you about the first one.  Okay, I tried to look cute, I had my lines all together, and was 5 minutes early for the appointment.  I met with the .. I want to say "mark" as I cannot give to much away.  She was very nice. I stuck to my lines, she paid me a really, really great compliment, the rest of the meeting went on without a glitch.  I thanked her and she me for meeting with her.

I talked with my employer several days later as we went over my report and she basically said, "great job", go on now and do as many as I can schedule in a week. Yay!  So, God is good, God is good!

I am working on trying to spruce up my blog too; I want better pictures for you guys, so I have taken three pictures and please let me know what you think?

The first picture is a sunset on the beach in Waikiki. I love to see sunsets.

The second is picture is of the kitchen area, I like the coloring, or lack there of...

And finally, this is a picture of everything I bought for dinner from a local farmer's market.  Everything was so good and fresh, the pineapple was so sweet and delicious...

I am going to continue to use pictures I take more.  And I have some other things in mind also.  But for now, I hope you all are doing well.  Stay positive and upbeat, and I will talk with you later.

Deborah "Nanilima" Howell
Its Hawaiian