I am back...
With a new job. I selling electricity, that's right selling 6 month, lower electrical rates by KWH packages. It's telesales. Which is something I have never done and I must learn quickly. I may only have 3 weeks to make a sale and it has been two weeks already and I have yet to make a sale. Oh my. I have been calling Chicago-area businesses and out the outlying areas. It has been fierce. I am a winner. I don't quit or give up, so I am now looking for tips of how to become a better telephone sales person.
I know also I am going to have to learn more about electricity markets. I know the Chicago market has a cap on early termination rates of $ 50.00. I learned today 5,000 and under KWH usage still carries ETF of $ 50.00.
I downloaded some tips and information about becoming a successful telesales person. I am also abstaining from Word With Friends tonight and other social media tonight because this is more important and is my job.
By the way three people quit already, one didn't feel the leads were doable, another could not take the constant rejection and the last one complained of the base pay being too insignificant and complained also of the leads. So I am the remaining one from that group. A new group of four started last week and one of them made a sale on her first day out of training. Everyone gathered around, this was the first sale made!!
Our manager and assistant manager were so happy! As well the rest of us. One manager said, "Oh you guys see, it can be done!! So my personal pressure is on! I have got to write through it. Document, put it in black and white, study, learn, I must succeed!! I have no choice now.
You guys out there help me, pray for me!